

Money. Reinvented

midoin app strore
midoin google play

Mine Midoins

Mining is as simple as tapping on a button. No special technical knowledge is required.

Send Midoins

You can send midoins to all users, worldwide, with lightning speed

Build for the community

It’s not just a coin. Be part of the midoin community, see where others are sending their midoins to, like and socialize.

Eco friendly

We believe that mining should not consume enormous amount of electricity and have a negative impact to our planet. Midoin instead, gives value to the human effort and time.

Privacy centric

We believe that people don’t need or want to be anonymous, but they need privacy.

Share the things you are happy for, or proud of with your families, friends, or even the whole world. Decide for yourself, what you want to share, with whom, and what you don’t want to share at all.

We take your privacy extremely seriously.

Join in

Download Midoin and experience how money should always have been

midoin app strore
midoin google play